10 Things men should never ask women

David DeAngelo, author of "Double Your Dating", says there is nothing worse than making mistakes that will later be regretted and one way to avoid them is to remember the following, Bullz-Eye.com reported. First of all , a man should never ask a woman if he can kiss her, as she will only say, a man should never "ask" for a kiss. Asking her for a kiss will only make a man look like a boy, which is what a woman is not interested in, and even if she says "yes", it could mean she is just being polite,...

7 Things men are perfect at

There are some things that men can do and women can't. There are many other things that women can do and men can't. Like giving birth for instance. But, aside that, here's a compilation of seven things that men are so perfect at, that they can be really annoying. Enjoy! Kissing in bed Sexy morning voices: This one is definitely tops the list. Men have such seductive baritones when they wake up in the morning, while we women end up croaking like frogs. Although we are quite sure that the sexy...

5 Amazing Sex positions you don't want to miss

It's time to upgrade your sex life, and to get your partner turned on like never before. We already knew that women love sex, but have we ever thought of sex positions women really enjoy or feel comfortable while reaching orgasm? There are many sex positions out there, only some of them give more pleasure to women. Women are always ready to accept and enjoy men's favorite sex positions but women seldom ask for their favourite position(s). The time has come for men to understand what women really...

5 ways to tell that a woman likes you

Life is short. So when you're out on the town meeting new women, no point in wasting time. How can you tell which ladies really welcome seduction? What clues do they give off? How can you tell which girl will be interested in you ? It can get very complicated when it comes to reading the signs a girl is sending. Mostly these signs consists of eye movements, body positioning, way of talking, pitch of talking and much more. Here's a guide to the things they say and do that mean they like you. She...

8 Signs Woman is Interested In You

Men hate it when women reject them. There’s nothing worse than having your ego smashed to little pieces when the woman of your dreams turns you down for a date. You really thought she was interested, but somehow you must have misread her signals. From the male point of view, women are often far too subtle and indirect — or just plain confusing — when revealing their romantic interest. And, yes, women often send mixed messages because they’re not sure of what’s going on inside their own heads. What...

Is Your Date Into You?

It’s no secret that people spend a large portion of their time with a first date wondering, Does this person like me? And while you would think the signs would be clear, all too often they’re not. Even if your date has been smiling up a storm or raptly listening to your views on alternative fuel, he or she could just be acting interested and secretly hoping the evening will end soon. But that’s not to say you need to be in the dark about your date’s true feelings. It turns out there are many signals...