From the male point of view, women are often far too subtle and indirect — or just plain confusing — when revealing their romantic interest. And, yes, women often send mixed messages because they’re not sure of what’s going on inside their own heads.
What most guys are looking for is a set of clear female signals that tell them when a woman is definitely warm for their form. Does this exist? Well, here are a few signs that should tell you that she probably wants you to ask her out.
1- She’s “in your face”
Suddenly, you’ll become aware of her presence everywhere — she “just happens” to show up wherever you hang out; you keep passing her in the hallway at work; she “accidentally” bumps into you; she maneuvers to stand close to you at a club.
What she’s doing is trying to get you to notice her and giving you an opportunity to make the first move. The problem with this female strategy is that a lot of guys are completely oblivious to it and, consequently, throw away a lot of chances to hook up. Men are direct; women are indirect. So, next time a woman starts appearing regularly in your path, be aware that she’s likely doing it on purpose.
2- She has all the right moves
A lot of people say that bodies can’t lie. Nature has programmed humans with a complex set of non-verbal flirting signals that just flow freely when people are interested in someone. These range from the widening of the iris when looking at the object of desire to more overt displays, such as smiling or touching.
Here are a few body language cues to watch out for:
• She points in your direction with her leg, foot or shoulders.
• She leans toward you while talking.
• She plays with or tosses her hair.
• She fidgets with a piece of jewelry (like an earring) or strokes the stem of her glass.
• She keeps her eyes locked on you while she talks or drinks.
• She mirrors your body movements (for example, if you put your hand on the table, she quickly does the same).
• She smiles when you check her out.
If you become aware of a cluster of these signals, you can almost be sure that she’s giving you the green light for romance.
3- She’s never too busy
This is a cardinal rule in the dating game: If a woman is interested in going out with you, she will make herself available. This means that she will give you her work number or e-mail address, she will quickly answer or return your call and she will accept your invitation to get together — and if she’s busy on the day you specify, she will say something like, “Well, I can’t this Saturday, but next Saturday would be fine.”
You’ll never hear from an interested woman things like, “I’m really busy right now” or “Let me check my schedule” or “I just got out of a bad relationship, so I’m all mixed up about men.” Even if she’s actively dating someone else, she will keep the lines of communication open with you for the possibility of future contact.
4- She’s curious about you
A woman who’s interested in you wants to know everything about you (so she can talk about you with her girlfriends). She will quiz you about your family, your background, and your tastes in things like food, music and movies. Very often, what she’s doing is trying to catalog your interests so that she can mimic your likes and dislikes in order to bond with you. If you’re crazy about hot-air ballooning, suddenly, she is, too.
5- She uses “The Probe” on you
“The Probe” is the female tool used for ascertaining a man’s financial resources. The Probe seems like a series of casual questions, but behind it is a ruthless calculator that’s ticking away. When a woman first meets a man that she might be interested in dating, she will quiz him on his job, where he lives and what kind of car he drives — all within the confines of a natural conversation. If you give the “right” answers, then the flirting signals will follow. But if you aren’t up to her “standards,” she’s gone in a cloud of dust.
6- She “futures” you
An interested woman is wide open for any future plans with you. In fact, she will often say something like, “Oh, you like bowling, too? We should do that some time.” When she’s operating in this mode, make no mistake about it — she wants you to ask her out.
7 - She’s on pins and needles
If she’s really interested, she’ll be as nervous as a cat around you, especially if you’re clueless about reading her signals. Of course, she could be just a normally shy person, so watch how she interacts with others. If she’s only fidgety around you, then she’s probably thinking romance.
8- She’s jealous of other women you talk to
She has the green-eyed monster on her back. An interested woman will watch her competition like a hawk (and with talons bared). So if you notice her steaming just because you’re joking around with other women, you can be sure that she wants you to be more than just her friend.
It’s time to make your move
These are some of the most obvious signals women emit when they want you. But be on your toes — spotting just one of these signs might not necessarily be enough to determine her interest (a lot of women are open and friendly to everyone). But if a lot of these signals are coming your way, it’s a pretty sure.