Top 10 Ways to Improve Relationships

Have you ever wondered how would it be possible to improve relationships with kindness? Or what can you do on your part to improve relationships? For me, life is all about the relationships that we make and the close bonds we build, where kindness plays a major role. Some of you must be dreaming, wondering, or thinking about what and how you can do to improve relationships and have a loving, secure, intimate, or open relationship with your families, friends, and lovers. Remember, relationships...

Top 10 Things Women Want You To Do In Bed

From talking with female friends informally, I know there are a few things which almost EVERY woman wishes men did more of in bed. Here are the top 10: 1. GIVING HER AN ORGASM BEFORE INTERCOURSE STARTS This is far and away the biggest thing women wish men did more of in bed. Most men don’t do this – instead, they clumsily plow straight to intercourse as fast as possible.  Woman in bedThis means that “foreplay” usually consists of a few minutes of obligatory kissing, followed by a few...