Best Top 10 Flirting Tips

Some people are natural flirts, but what if you're not one of those people? We've compiled 10 expert tips on flirting that even the most timid of singles can use.Flirting is an attitude :A good flirt is self-confident and not afraid to take risks. Be enthusiastic and positive — it works!Start a conversation : The best opening line is saying hello. Talk about the surroundings, ask a question, ask for help or state an opinion.Have fun : Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.Use...

The Chemistry of Kissing

You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss… hang on a minute. No it isn’t! Because when it comes to dating, a kiss can change everything. Sometimes it’s spine-tinglingly magical and sends shivers from your neck to your toes. And sometimes, well, it feels more like licking a wet fish. While the chemistry you feel on your night out says a lot about how the kiss might go, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of butterflies, chills, fireworks, and other memory-making moments....

The 10 Best Places to Kiss

You lucky single person, you - your dating days are full of adventure and kisses shared in dimly-lit restaurants and on street corners. But where, we wondered, are the very best places to lock lips? You already know about the beach at sunset, under the mistletoe and right smack dab on the mouth. Here, more superior smooch sites to check out when you're ready to make out. On a roller coaster : Yes, love has its ups and downs, but that's what keeps it exciting. Kiss at the crest of that first...

Secrets of Great Conversation

Making successful small talk with someone you've just met isn't rocket science, but it does demand more effort than tossing out a tired opening line. The added pressure of a social situation — a date, a party, an encounter at a singles club — may tie your tongue into knots. The best thing is to ignore what's going on around you and concentrate on the person at hand. If you show that you are interested, you'll be surprised how quickly people open up. To get the ball rolling, here are five practical...

How to survive a holiday breakup

Break ups are all the more difficult to handle when they happen during festive season, when the rest of the world is busy celebrating.None of your friends have the time to sympathize and listen to your sad tales. But all is not lost. Here are a few tips to help you get through the holidays.Break up during the holidays can be stressful enough. Before you go into hiding and decide to boycott the fun, get back on track with these tips for handling a split.Bond with your familyUse your newly found...

David beckham and posh's hot marriage tips

Ten years down the line in a marriage, most couples find it hard to keep their relationships steady, but that’s not the case with the soccer ace David Beckham and his wife Victoria. The couple will celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss on July 4 and their love seems to be growing stronger every year. Now, love psychologist Susan Quilliam has revealed the marriage commandments that keep them together, reports the News of the World. Give each other space - Absence makes the heart grow fonder,...

Why men, women can't think alike

The battle of the sexes starts in the brain's speech centre, Alan Pease tells Bachi KarkariaGloria Steinman said, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". Not knowing the secret cycling desires of bassa and sea bass, I cannot vouch for the total truth of this remark. But, since nature didn't use the hermaphrodite earthworm as the model for human sexual wiring, and happily chose to put different circuitry into our two genders, we do have to deal with blown fuses all the time.Scientists,...

First date dos and don'ts

Yes, the day you have been waiting for has come true. Someone has asked you out and you want to look your best and make that first impression so it can last forever. Nervous? Don't be. For, here are a few to make you feel comfortable. Clothes make the man: This is the universal truth. Though we don't mean man literally here, it applies to women too. To be comfortable, it's important that you wear something in which you are comfortable. You may want to borrow your friend's stiletto heel to fake...

Relationship Advice For Women - Do's and Don't

Most books about relationships are cut-out for both male and female, but we all know that it works differently for both sides so why would you read about something that is not specifically written for you. Here is the relationship advice for you that understands what you are going through right now. When He’s Annoying Women must understand that men are indeed annoying. They don’t call, they come home late, they forget things, they don’t want to do things. It makes you wonder why you even fell...

Relationship Advice for Men - Why It's Okay To Take Things Slow Sometimes

One thing in relationship that most men seem to have in common is the need to try and rush things when they feel like they have fallen in love with a woman. You might think it would be noble to rush into things without thinking about it when it truly is love, but that is not always the best decision that you can make. In fact, quite often it can lead to many more problems than to solutions. The urge to rush when you feel as though you have found the "one" is nothing new. Even back in the earliest...